Die Weinberater | wine is money

Pragmatic, with a proven track record in practice, and independent. We would be pleased to advise you!

Supporting you on the road to success

Wine is money – many people say that wine is poetry, and your customers should also be saying that! However, it’s a bit different when you have to make a living from it. That’s why we have made it our business to help companies in the wine sector improve their profitability, fine tune their activities and expand and optimise their field of business.

Our mission is to support you on the road to success!

Consulting & strategy

Integrated, with a proven track record in practice, and independent in all areas of the wine sector. Supporting you on the road to success.
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Design & marketing

We put you in the spotlight. Brand and reputation are the cornerstones for your business success.
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Job portal & recruitment for the beverage & wine industry, hotels, restaurants and the gourmet sector!

Helping applicants find the right job in the right company and helping companies find the right staff for their advertised positions.


Purchase and sale of wineries and companies in the wine industry.

Contact us if you would like to sell your winery, are looking for a partner / investor for your winery or if you see wine as an investment opportunity and would like to invest in.

Our services in detail


Do you want to kick-start your marketing? Are you seeking new sales channels?


Do you need a new design for your range which improves the profile of your wines?


Are you seeking quality improvements and workflow optimisation, or planning cellar renovations? Oenology is a broad topic and we would be happy to advise you on everything you need to know.

Design & marketing

To help you reach your future customers, quality must be at the heart of all areas of the company. This requires the systematic integration of all tangible elements of your communications.

Investments, M&A

Are you planning investments for your winery, meaning that you need a strategy for loans and meetings with banks? Do you want to buy a winery, meaning that you need experienced experts to support the entire process?

Job portal & recruitment

Good strategies and plans are one thing, but who should actually do all the work? Jovinbo.com helps applicants find the right job at the right company and helps companies find the right staff.

Our customers

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Our team

Tanja Schneider

Sales / marketing / systemic coaching

Sven Wagner

Finance / investments / M&A

Maik Ilgen

Oenology / cellar management

Selin Lang

Assistant and commercial clerk

Yvonne Filbert

Student on a dual work-study program